Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's All Connected You knOw

clipped from

Shocked, Stunned, and Otherwise Staggered: Obama Announces the War That Hitherto Was Known as "The War That Must Be Won" Doesn't Necessarily Have to be Won At All

From The Politico:

President Barack Obama is warning U.S. commanders that he’s “skeptical” about whether more troops will make a difference in Afghanistan, saying he’ll approve an expected request only if the forces fit into a strategy to beat back al-Qaida and protect the United States.

Who could have seen that coming.

Thanks to AHFF Geoff.

Bending the Curve: eman has a preview of next week's spin:

Obviously, there is no way we can win in Afghanistan without first passing healthcare reform and comprehensive immigration reform.

Indeed. It's all connected, you know.