Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Can Read

clipped from

Do you really think you know more than scientists? They're scientists.

Yes, and science is a wonderful thing. It's improved our lives in countless ways. It also has nothing to do with what these frauds, and the useful idiots who believed them, have been pulling.

How would you know?

I can read. "Hide the decline" and "Quick, delete these files before somebody catches on" and "HOLY CRAP WHY CAN'T I GET THIS DATA TO SAY WHAT WE NEED IT TO SAY IN ORDER TO KEEP OUR JOBS" aren't exactly complex scientific concepts.

It's just the normal peer-review process. You wouldn't understand.

I understand that when they say things like "We need to keep these guys out of peer-reviewed journals" and "Let's get this editor fired for publishing an article that disagrees with us," it goes beyond the regular process. It's thuggery. It's a disgrace.

F*** you, denier.

I'll get right on that, just as soon as I buy an SUV big enough to carry all the incandescent bulbs I'll need to light my new coal plant.