Saturday, December 05, 2009

COTD: Sanger Stats

clipped from

Here are the statistics which show the percentage of each ethnic type that has been exterminated through abortion since 1967.

White 10.3%
Hispanic 16.9%
Black 28.1%
Asian and Pacific Islander 16.0%
Native American and Alaskan Native 16.0%
Total Minority 21.7%

1/5 of the minorities have been exterminated.

Now with the Obamacare legal extermination plan, the government (the eugenticists, Cass Sustenien and Holder being a part of them) will be able to selectively exterminate the “human weeds” they don’t want.

Read up on Margaret Sanger, a 20th century progressive, who was founder of Planned Parenthood.

Hillary, “I would define myself as a 20th century progessive”, was presented the “Maggie Award” this year.

We are fighting the eugenicists, who have people in powerful positions.

ms on December 5, 2009 at 7:51 PM